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Ideating Your Projects Using Design Thinking

In this blog, we will be discussing the Ideation step of Design Thinking and the various methods involved. We will be taking a stepwise approach towards Ideation while simultaneously discussing the various methods of Ideation in Design Thinking and Design Sprints.

Ideation is a creative process where designers generate ideas in sessions through brainstorming and discussions. The third step in the Design Thinking process contributes entirely to Ideation. It involves the participants gathering with open minds to produce as many ideas as possible to address a problem in a facilitated, judgment-free environment.

Ideate- How?

1. Finding a problem -

Ideas can only be formed, when there's a clearly defined problem at hand, a statement that is focused on a clear goal.

2. Asking relevant questions -

Questions such as "How might we...", "What relevant resources are needed to... ", and "What can be the result of..." are highly important in kick-starting the Ideation process.

3. Members of the process -

To conjure ideas, and bring people together, a skilled facilitator, a creative yet inspiring environment including persona portrayals, must need.

4. Rules!Rules! Rules! -

A few ground rules must be laid down before the Ideation process is begun. They could include quality over quantity, time and budget limits, or even ban distractions such as phones! This might not sound fun, but I promise it is.

Design Thinking 101

Design Thinking is simply a bootleg to Design Sprints, the principle to the mechanism. Ideation in Design Thinking is the third step carried out on the third day of a Design Sprint, just following "Empathise'' (gaining user insights through research) and "Define" (finding patterns within those insights to manufacture and build a feasible problem statement).

Methods to Ideate:

Let your imagination and creativity go wild!

There are several methods to aid and nudge along your ideation process. An ideal technique creates a proper amalgamation of the conscious and unconscious mind, bringing together rationality and creativity. Some crucial methods are:

1. Brainstorming- Building feasible, crucial ideas from wild ones given by peers

2. Brain-dumping - Brainstorming at an individual level

3. Brainwriting - Simply brainstorming in a written format

4. Worst Possible Idea - Inverted brainstorming approach

5. Mind-mapping - A graphical method to connect ideas to major or minor qualities of problems

6. Storyboarding - A visual/graphic approach to problem-idea-solution depicted as a story

7. Bodystorming - Using role-playing scenarios

8. Cheat-storming - Using prior ideas as stimulus

9. Crowdstorming - Incorporating target audience input and feedback to generate ideas

10. Analogies - Drawing comparisons to communicate better

11. Sketch-storming - Using rough sketches to express ideas and further explore the design space

12. Co-creation Workshops - Combining user empathy research, ideation and prototyping

13. Provocation - A lateral thinking approach to demolish existing beliefs and move along a completely novel path of action

14. SCAMPER - A solution approach involving the methods of "Substitute”, “Combine”, “Adapt”, “Modify”, “Put to another use”, “Eliminate”, and “Reverse”. And it might give you solutions you have never thought of.

Design Sprints, based on the principle of Design Thinking, require an immense amount of Ideation. Dezy It, your personal Design Sprint Master, is the perfect tool to assist your ideation process tailored perfectly for your project. Thus Dezy It is a unique yet amazing way to ideate solutions for the problem statement of your company/business project.


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